sábado, 10 de agosto de 2019

BUILDING: NEW: +[MadZaza]+Vintage Tower Rezzer V1.5.1
Cut : 18 length 18 width 26 height Prims: 490 (decorated tower) Pre-decorated for a clan, a family. Vintage and urban roleplay tower. Very detailed and scripted, intended to be a home or a clan base. the tower has 4 separate floors including 2 renovated living rooms. Has a roleplay scene on the first floor. Doors, lamps, emergency ladder and toyaux scripted. Also has two chimneys (not scripted) Doors to be allowed to the group, to the owner, or to a list
MARKET: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/es-ES/products/search?utf8=%e2%9c%93&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=MadZaza

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